A labyrinth is a mandala-like walking path. Unlike a maze, it has a single path with no dead ends, so you cannot get lost and can simply relax and enjoy the free-flowing experience of walking the meandering path. Walking a labyrinth is a way to meditate or pray that can lead you to a still, quiet place within or to other dimensions of awareness and interconnection. You can easily create a labyrinth using rocks or by carving in the sand. You can also use 5-foot lengths of rope or cotton cord to build a labyrinth, which was the concept behind Labyrinth in a Bag.
Although Labyrinth in a Bag is no longer available, you are welcome to create your own. See instructions for making your own set of cords on the main page of MY STORY. You can use them on a patio, in a park or backyard, or even in your living room. You can also take them with you to use wherever you go on your travels. This website offers different ways to explore the transformative power of labyrinths.