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Rite Of Passage

In the light of a full moon, the woman walks a labyrinth. Her hair, like white wisps of cloud, frame her luminous face. A crown of flowers wreathes her head. A black shawl drapes her shoulders. She carries a slender staff as she travels the winding path. A circle of sisters surround the woman as she journeys throughout each of three spirals—the Maiden, the Mother, the Crone. As they line the perimeter of the labyrinth, their voices rise into the night, singing, Maiden, Mother, Crone, see us sway and listen to our song. Hear our cry tonight. Tonight, we call for power. Maiden, Mother, Crone…* When the woman arrives in the center, she is held in silence. As she begins her journey again, heading outward from the center, her sisters resume their musical refrain. When the woman emerges from the labyrinth, a Crone is born this moonlit night.

The Maiden, the Mother, the Crone—Goddess archetypes all—represent phases of a woman’s life from birth through childhood, motherhood, and elderhood. Each phase entails a different process of becoming and being. The Maiden represents youthfulness, a time of growing, exploring, and learning. The Mother represents generative and nurturing endeavors that may lead to the birth of new ideas, possibilities, or beings. The Crone is the embodiment of wisdom gained through all phases of a woman’s life, when she realizes the fullness of her power and the wholeness of her being. In this way, she may share depth and perspective with her community. She is grandmother, mentor, advisor, guide.

The opening narrative describes the culminating ritual of a Croning ceremony, a rite of passage for an elder woman who is called to become a Crone. The triple spiral labyrinth may be used to symbolize the trinity of the Goddess, providing an opportunity to walk the archetypes and reflect on one’s journey to elderhood. Each spiral leads the woman on an inward journey to the essence of an archetype, followed by an outward journey toward the next phase of life. Arriving in the center of the labyrinth, she enters the womb of the Goddess, wherein gestation and transformation occurs. The woman then begins her return journey through each spiral—the birthing of a Crone.

The above example is one way to incorporate a labyrinth into a rite of passage. Croning, a woman’s rite of passage into elderhood, challenges modern society’s ideal of youthfulness, vitality, and sex appeal by honoring the elder woman, not for her agelessness, but for the wisdom, inner strength, and beauty that aging may bring.

The triple spiral labyrinth is an excellent choice for this occasion. Not only does it symbolize the trinity of the Goddess, but it is also one of the more powerful labyrinth experiences. The three sets of inward and outward spiraling journeys in succession activate an energetic field of chi that infuses body, mind, and spirit. The ground beneath the walker’s feet resonates, as well—telluric energy emanating from the earth. These unseen cosmic forces combined with the resonance of singing may lead the Crone-to-be to an experience of flow and ecstasy. What better way to enter this new phase of life!

For all that is,

A special thank you to Gayle, daughter of Marion, daughter of Leata, daughter of Mary Catherine, for inviting me to participate in her Croning Ceremony.

* song adapted from Maiden, Mother, Crone by Spiral Rhythm

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