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Rebalancing The World

Soft grass beneath my feet, I enter the yin and yang labyrinth. As I walk, I imagine it as an energetic sphere extending like a dome in all directions, above and below ground. Within the sphere, it is multi-dimensional, ever fluid, shifting, and rebalancing.

The teardrop-shaped halves of yin and yang represent complementary forces that together form an indivisible whole. Each half, cradled by the other, contains a single orb of complementary energy. All is held in dynamic relationship—the darkness and light, the hidden and revealed, the material and ethereal.

But what happens when the world is seemingly out of balance—when the masculine dominates the feminine, when reason obscures intuition, when arrogance overrides humility, when hate trumps love, when fear dissolves trust?

Each step a vow, I walk this enfolding path with peaceful intention, aspiring to rebalance the world. As I journey, I hold on to the conviction that rebalancing consciousness within will help rebalance consciousness without, for they are ultimately one and the same.

For all that is,

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