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Entering The Black Hole

Bare feet on concrete, I tread the surface of the 11-foot diameter labyrinth. Its four curving paths, outlined in colorful sidewalk chalk, draw me steadily inward. I am pulled by a power beyond ordinary comprehension. Resonance within is activated by my spiraling journey, mingling with telluric energy emanating from below. As I arrive in the center, I pass through a portal to a new reality, awakened to quantum possibilities.

Walking a 2-dimensional labyrinth facilitates a multi-dimensional journey through space and time. As though entering a vortex, a person winds their way inward, drawing ever nearer the center of the labyrinth. On their final approach, they are pulled toward the core by an irresistible gravitational attraction, as if caught in the event horizon of a black hole. Entering the ring of singularity, they may be ripped to shreds and crushed into nothingness, becoming one with the vortex. Or they may be whisked away to another dimension, a distant universe, or to a past or future time. All possibilities lead to transformation. On the return journey, the person, altered by unseen eternal forces, is born again.

For all that is,

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