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Bells Are Ringing

I enter the crown of a bell-shaped labyrinth, walk a curved path to its waist, then flare out to the rim. I then begin a winding journey through one half of the bell. Entering a medial path, I walk a straight line from crown to rim, spiral through the clapper, and walk a parallel path toward the crown, again. From here, I wind through the second half of the bell and exit the labyrinth.

The first bells were made of clay thousands of years ago. Throughout history, bells have been made from many different materials, such as clay, wood, glass, horn, china, crystal, and various types of metal. When struck internally with a clapper, or externally with a mallet or beam, the chamber of a bell resonates with sound. The sonic frequency of the bell varies with size—the pitch of a large bell is low, and the pitch of a small bell is high.

Bells, large and small, are used by people of many cultures for religious and secular purposes. Some bells in churches and temples call followers to worship. Bells are rung in times of rejoicing or mourning. Others may warn of impending danger. Some bells are used to ward off dark or negative influences. Bells may also be used to facilitate healing or meditation.

During the Winter Solstice, bells may be used to celebrate the birth of the Sun or new solar year. Likewise, in the Christian tradition, bells herald the birth of Jesus. At Christmastime, jingle bells evoke magical thoughts of reindeer, sleighs, and Santa Clause, inspiring a sense wonder and anticipation in children and adults, alike. Bells are also featured in favorite seasonal songs, such as Jingle Bells, Carol of the Bells, and Caroling, Caroling—“Ding, dong, ding, dong, Christmas Bells are ringing!”

I designed the bell labyrinth as a meditation for the Winter holidays. Its shape has a satisfying symmetry, each half mirroring the other. Having a separate entrance and exit and lacking a center, the labyrinth can be walked continuously from start to finish, generating a sustained feeling of flow. Walking the path of the bell provides an opportunity for me to slow down, sense my inner resonance, and reflect on the deeper meaning of the season.

May you attune to resonance within throughout the holiday season.

For all that is,

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